Festiva Resorts Timeshares Under Fire for Deceptive Business Practices

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Festiva Resorts is using deceptive sales practices to sell timeshares. Were you a victim?festiva resorts under fire

Festiva Resorts is a timeshare company that offers membership to a vacation club. They operate resorts in the eastern United States and Caribbean. But as of January 2014, Festiva Resorts is also the target of a lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of Tennessee on behalf of the State. Festiva Resorts timeshares are the definition of a timeshare scam.

Festiva uses the classic tactics of misrepresentation to sell their timeshare plans, common with many other timeshare companies. They cold-call consumers, or send direct mailers, claiming that the recipient has won a valuable prize or vacation, but fail to tell them that they have to attend a timeshare sales presentation to receive the “prize”. Really, those “prizes” are just bait to entice consumers to the high-pressure sales pitch.

Once a consumer has purchased a Festive timeshare, they quickly realize that the product is not what was advertised. The State of Tennessee believes that Festive purposefully confuses consumers and makes their program difficult to use to sell more timeshares, and trick the owners into attending “owner’s update” meetings that are really just ploys to get them to spend more money on “upgrades”.

Furthermore, consumers have told Tennessee that it’s almost impossible to book a vacation with Festiva.

And keep in mind that these owners must pay their annual maintenance fees, even if they can never actually use their timeshare.

If you own a Festiva timeshare and were a victim of these deceptive sales practices, you have options. You can visit the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs website, or call at (615) 741-4737. You can also schedule a free consultation with Timeshare Advocacy International. We will discuss your options and determine the best way to help you get rid of your Festiva timeshare. Schedule your consultation here.

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